Sunday, July 23, 2006

Time Is Running Out For Our Children

I am not one to stand up and scream my view point to the world but I can no longer stand by silent and listen to the stupidity of the world leaders and their narrow minded viewpoints. It is not about choosing sides or about who has more rights than who. There is more than enough blame to go around about whose at fault and who started it. Ironically the children suffer the most and it is the leaders of the world who are acting like children on a playground fighting over who broke an imagined rule to the game. Sadly it's not a game anymore and people of all ages and nationalities are dying because of stubbornness. I understand these conflicts have been brewing for years and years and the roots of the problem are not so easy to detect but for God's sake, any God, stop the violence against the children of the world!! I struggle to grasp the pure insanity of the politicians and officials in charge of making decisions to benefit a few and ignore the rest. Are they all so arrogant and selfish to not see they are destroying any chance of a peaceful existence for the children of the future. Time is running out for my children, your children and the children of the world. Stop The Stupidity, Stop The Ignorance, Stop The Arrogance, Stop The Insanity, Stop The Bombing....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.

11:13 PM  

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